It's been a while since I've posted on my blog and I wanted to catch you up on all the new and exciting changes in my life.
Do you want to lose weight or get healthier? You might just be surprised to hear that surrendering is the fastest and easiest way to achieve your goals.
“Surrender” does NOT mean giving up but rather, accepting yourself as valuable and worthy, right where you are today, and at your current size. When you accept yourself the way you are now, you stop fighting yourself. When you stop fighting yourself, that’s when real transformation can begin. For example, start to think of exercise as something you do for your body to feel good and not as a self-punishment for eating too much chocolate. This will help you to find activities that you enjoy and not just those that burn the most calories. When you enjoy exercise, you stick with it and exercise becomes part of your lifestyle. Shift your focus from self-punishment to self-care. You know what else will happen if you surrender? You will gain motivation by what your body can DO and not just how it looks. One push up turns into five push-ups and your confidence grows by looking at how you are improving and not just looking at the scale. Ultimately, building habits that are born of activities you enjoy will make a huge change in your outer appearance and overall health. Anna Vickroy of Ultra Spective Photography defines this loving approach to health as “intuitive self-care” in that “the motivation comes from love within yourself, not because you’re trying to beat yourself up to be more like someone else, be smaller or more worthy.” When we come from a place of surrender we are already valuable and worthy.
There is something so appealing about a new start. Beginning that new diet on January 1st or waiting until after the holidays to commit to an exercise plan is what most people do. They wait until the new year to make their goals and set their intentions. I believe that by waiting until the new year to plan our goals, we are throwing away the valuable information that the last 12 months can offer. Evaluating the past year can greatly improve your chances of succeeding in your goals for next year.
Here are three questions you can ask yourself now to set yourself up for success in 2017: What were you proud to have accomplished in 2016? Maybe you spent more time with friends or read more books. Thinking about how you made those goals happen can put you in the right frame of mind to make your new goals possible. It will also remind you of what you consider important and valuable and help you to cultivate those habits to make them a permanent part of your life in 2017. What were some mistakes or failures that happened to you in 2016? It’s hard to look at mistakes but, it’s essential to identify what went wrong. Most importantly, what can we learn from those mistakes to insure they are not repeated. “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently,” Henry Ford. While it may sometimes be embarrassing or difficult to look at your mistakes, it is a valuable way to help you plan what you want in your life going forward. What would you regret NOT doing in 2017? We sometimes go through life as if we have all the time in the world, when the truth is we don’t know what day could be our last. Think about some of the goals you’ve always wanted to accomplish: Do you want to run a marathon? Have you always wanted to sing? Do one thing that will give you more information on a nearby race or Google “voice lesson” to find out where the nearest class or teacher is located. Start now, in 2016, and by the time 2017 is here you will have a plan and not just a wish. I know that the holidays can be a busy and hectic time. But, taking a few minutes during the last few days of December will help make your New Year’s goals and resolutions more successful. Cheers to a great 2017! Ever notice that nothing takes as long as you think it will once you get started on it? That big mound of laundry that needs folding or the neglected closet that could use some organizing, is not as daunting once you dig in and get to work. I realized this and and found a new way to motivate myself to take on any task I was avoiding.
Just set a timer for 15 minutes and jump into the dreaded chore that needs doing. When the time is up, just stop. When I did this, I found that it took away that feeling of being overwhelmed. Most of the time I even found that when my 15 minutes were up, I didn't want to stop; I was on a roll! Try this and soon you will find that we all have 15 minutes, no matter how busy or overwhelmed we feel at the start. Pick a place in the house that will make the most difference to you if it was cleaned up. For me that would be the island in the kitchen. When there is clutter left on that island, I feel like I can’t focus and the kitchen feels so messy. Set your timer, put on some music and go for fifteen minutes. If you want to stop when your time is up, stop. If you do this regularly you will find that your mood brightens when those unfinished projects are completed. That’s because clutter is stagnant energy and when you clear that clutter, you change the energy in your home and you. I used to say this to my boys as soon as they were old enough to understand.
When you’re having problems and things are not going your way, it’s normal to feel irritated and find yourself in a bad mood. However, getting yourself out of that mindset does not to have to be difficult. Here are six simple ways to shake off your grumpy mood and feel better, almost instantly.
The peaches right now in Northern California are at their peak So, when we had some friends over last night, that was the first thing I thought about for my cheese board... juicy, ripe peaches.
That's usually how I come up with my cheese or charcuterie boards... I just ask myself, What is in season and really delicious right now? Then I build around that flavor with other foods that will complement it and throw in some interesting textures for good measure. Sound complicated? It's easier than you think.. Let's do this together... First, start with a board that works with the type of event you're having - a fancy board for a fancy dinner, or a rustic one for a casual dinner. What I used last night is actually a wooden cutting board turned upside down! Perfectly casual and rustic. I knew that peaches had to be the star so I thought, 'What would go with a sweet and juicy peach?' It needs something that enhances that taste, like a salty cheese with some richness to balance the sweetness and acid of the fruit. I used a Dolce Gorgonzola or a "sweet" Gorgonzola, which is an Italian Blue cheese that is more delicate and creamy than a traditional blue cheese and is the perfect counterpoint for the peaches. I also added honey to my board to further enhance the creamy cheese and create another layer of flavor to the peaches. Second thing to add to your board is some texture, like nuts or crispy crackers. Adding crunch to something creamy adds interest and makes a bite more interesting. Last night, I had cashews and pecans to add a crunchy texture to the board. Third, add another cheese with a different consistency for variety. Since the Gorgonzola Dolce is creamy, I opted for a harder cheese that is mild and plays well with fruit. I chose Manchego which is a Spanish sheep's milk cheese that has a mild and nutty flavor. It is semi soft so it offers a different texture than the creamy Gorgonzola and keeps your board from becoming one note or one texture. That's it. Pick a seasonal fruit you want to highlight, then choose a main cheese that is the opposite flavor so it will show off your fruit. Add some texture with nuts, crackers or crusty bread. Those components will be the anchor to your cheese board. Add one or more cheeses that offer a different texture to your first cheese and you will have an interesting board that will be pleasing for your guests. What will you put on your cheese board this summer? Tell me in the comments section and please like this post! Happy eating! ![]() What does tradition mean to you? I asked my son this question while we were baking a coffee cake together this morning. I bake this same delicious sour cream coffee cake every Father’s Day ever since my husband became a father to our now 13 year old twins. As he whisked the eggs my son thought about this question and then said, "Traditions let you continue something you love to do again and again,". I thought about how every year my husband looks forward to this cake and how wonderful the kitchen smells as the cinnamon streusel smell wafts through the air. I looked at my sweet boy as he licked the batter and smiled at me. It's the same tradition but it changes a bit every year as my sons get older and can help me with the baking or express themselves in the cards they write to their Dad. I love the continuity that tradition provides us in a constantly changing world . As we celebrate Father's Day today, what are some of the traditions that observe every year? Share them in the comments below! |